This is the ultimate fakeaway! No grease. No oil. But tasty tasty tasty!

To make this quicker - I boiled my rice ahead of time. 140g of dried rice (there is some left over once cooked) we gave it to the dog 😂
606kcal per serving (serves 2)
C: 60.7g
F: 11.9g
5 sprays of 1kcal cooing oil
100g yellow pepper - diced
50g spring onion finely chopped
2 x chicken breasts (250g) diced
120g frozen peas
8g garlic purée
45ml a good few splashes of light soya sauce
18g KMC Salt & Pepper Seasoning
300g cooked rice
2 x eggs
100g of MADE Mayflower Curry Sauce- this is the weight once made and not dried
Preboil your rice- (140g dried) you’ll use 300g when it’s cooked- there is a bit leftover.
In a frying pan. Spray with 1kcal spray.
Brown chicken for 5 mins and then remove.
In the same pan add pepper, spring onion and peas. And sauté for 5 mins. Stir regularly and don’t have the heat too high.
Add the chicken back to the pan and stir for a couple of mins. Move your mixture to one side and crack two eggs in your pan and scramble.
Add the remaining ingredients. Garlic, rice, soya sauce, salt and pepper seasoning.
Stir well and serve!
I served mine with Mayflower curry sauce (follow instructions on packet) I’d start making the sauce when you’ve removed chicken from the pan.